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Overview of Schedule
Changes for Summer 2014
For 2014, Sandy Hill Camp will offer 8 one-week sessions concurrent with 4 two-week sessions, and we will not be offering a “week 9.” Camp will start one-week later than in 2013 (June 22, 2014 compared to June 16, 2013), and camp will end at the same time (August 15 in 2014 and August 16 in 2013). For the full 2014 calendar of sessions, please click here. Please also note that this year’s fireworks will be during week 2 of camp - not week 3.

The reason for the reduction in weeks is primarily due to school calendars. We are finding that many schools don't finish until around the 18th of June this year - and that's without any snow days. We believe that starting camp on June 15th for 2014 (which would enable a "week 9") would be too soon for too many campers.

Future Thoughts for Week 9
Typically, the first day of camp is three weeks after Memorial Day weekend. Each year, Memorial Day gets one day earlier (May 28 in 2012, May 27 in 2013, May 26 in 2014, May 25 in 2015 and May 30 in 2016) and so does the corresponding start date of camp. About every seven years, Memorial Day moves about a week later, and so does the start of camp - that big jump is in 2016.

Normally there are 14 weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day, but for summer 2015, there are 15 weeks because Labor Day becomes later, but Memorial Day stays early.

Plan for 2015, 2016...
So, for summer 2015, we are intending to bring back "week 9" when there is an additional week of the summer. For summer 2016, Memorial Day finally moves later so that we can be back to our normal 9-week schedule. All that to say, it is our hope that week 9 will return for summer 2015, 2016, etc.
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