Virtual Tour of Sandy Hill Camp
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During camp, eight or nine campers and two or three staff share a room. Nearly all of the cabins have new bunk beds with ladders and safety rails and new mattress covers. Campers store their belongings under their bunk beds in a 13 inch high space. Sandy Hill offers two types of accommodations - cabins and lodges.
Cabins are single-room, rustic camp buildings. Modern restrooms are located nearby with electricity, lights, hot showers, and flush toilets. Nearly all cabins at Sandy Hill sleep 12 people in six bunk beds. There are three sections of cabins that each have their own bathhouse. During Sandy Hill Camp, two sections are female totaling twenty cabins (shown in light blue and purple above), and one section is male with thirteen cabins (shown in white above). Each of the 33 cabins is named after a place on the Chesapeake Bay.
All one-week campers stay in the camp cabins for the length of their stay. All two-week campers spend their session in a lodge (see below). |
One of two girls bathhouses (built in 2006)
Equal to four of the existing cabins, the new lodges boast larger rooms, a central meeting area, bathrooms, fans, electricity and lights. Five lodges were built from 2005 to 2009 which are by two-week campers for the entire length of their stay. Lodges sleep up to 14 per room during camp including both campers and 2-4 staff.

Two-story atrium and gathering space
Inside one of the four bedrooms ("cabins") per lodge
Inside one of the two bathrooms
(showers and changing areas not in photo)