Setup Your Family's New Online Account

Welcome to Sandy Hill Camp Online! As a new user, you will be creating an account that will allow you to access much of the information you need to register and prepare for camp this summer.

Please remember this online service is for parental access only. Although you are welcome to share the information with your camper, only parents are permitted to submit information or make changes online due to Federal COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) regulations. You must keep your family's login name and password for parents' eyes only.

Step 1 of 3: Create a User Account

Please fill in the following fields to create your family's account. All of the fields are required. You must use a valid email address. You only need to create one account per family.

Your First Name
Your Last Name
Valid Email
Please retype email to confirm
Create a Password:
Please retype password to confirm
Please help us reduce spam by typing the sum of 90+9=

Agreement: By clicking the button below, I am affirming that I am a parent or guardian of a camper at Sandy Hill. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep my password private. I understand that campers are not permitted to access my account to change or submit information online due to Federal COPPA regulations.

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